
Leadership styles and motivation techniques on the performance of staff pdf

In this study, the researcher sets out to examine the relationship between leadership and motivation and also to find out the effect of leadership styles and motivation techniques have on the performance of staff in a photographic firm using.

To accomplish this objectives, the work was structured into well-defined chapters. In chapter one, the researcher conducted the study, stated the problem and made generalized assumptions and suggested proposition to guide the study. Chapter two dealt with the review of relevant literature on the subject of leadership and motivation. It was noted in this chapter that there is no one best style of leadership but that different people and occasion dictate the use of different styles of leadership. It was equally noted that motivation is not a fixed phenomenon and that there is a close relationship between style of leadership and the level of motivation of the subordinates.
The researcher moved to a more practical stage which the methodology used in the research is termed chapter three. In this chapter structured questionnaires and interviews were designed to collect the necessary data for the study.
In chapter four, the presentation and analysis of data obtained from the questionnaires administered were treated using simple tabular method, percentage and the use of simple pie chart. After a careful process of data collection and analysis, some generalized findings about leadership style and motivation techniques were made and the effect it will have on staff performance.
The research recommends that more participation should be given to the staff especially on matters directly affecting them.
Leadership is the most observed but least understood aspect of life of man on earth. The wealth of literature or it, its scope and complexity, the overwhelming feeling that there is still a lot unknown about it, as well as the fact that the worst of leaders can come from the most benign circumstances evoke in one a sense of humility and misery.
An organization that is without a leader is like a team without a captain as the business organization as well as the team can lose its direction. There are no people’s organizations. In other words, no matter how technical or highly professionalized an organization is, it cannot disperse with human resources that make up an organization in terms of management. Therefore, the success or failure of any organization depends on the effectiveness and efficiency of its staff in their work responsibilities. In turn, this effectiveness and efficiency depends significantly upon the employee’s skills, satisfaction, cooperation and enthusiasm.
The staff of an organization are expected to put in their best, they have to be provided with good working environment and appropriate motivation to encourage them to bring their full potential to bear. Leaders must know how to motivate and the appropriate motivation techniques to apply at different times to different people in the work environment.
Quite often, the question is often asked “what leadership style is the best?” The answer depends on the situation under consideration. Some managers depend heavily on the authority that goes with the position they are occupying in their approach to motivation. Others use both informal influence and formal authority effectively in an organization, especially business organization, a good manager must have the ability to motivate his subordinates effectively.
In spite of the elusive nature of leadership, there is widely held belief that leadership determines whether or not human being shall or shall not enjoy progress. Many of the past and present woes of man are attributable to mediocre and irresponsible leadership such leadership is to be found in industry, commerce, government, education, military formations private organizations and indeed in every form of organization on earth. As far as an organization is never void of people. No matter the type of organization, human resources are cardinal and cannot be dispensed with.
For an organization to succeed, there must be a good leader who knows how to motivate, communicate, understand interpersonal relations and individual or group behavior in the work place. A leader must have the potential to motivate a group to act toward achieving a common goal. There are many failures in the study of leadership but one of the most serious failures is the bifurcation between the literature of leadership and the literature of followership. The process of leadership must be seen as part of the dynamics of conflict and power. Leadership is nothing if not linked to collective purpose and the effectiveness of leaders must be judged not by their clippings but by actual social changed measured by intent and by the satisfaction of human needs and expectations.
Kountz and others (1990) defined leadership as “the art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly toward the achievement of group goal. This concept can be enlarged to include willingness to work with zeal and confidence. On the whole, leaders monitor and control the work of the organization to achieve the set goals.
Leaders must be aware of human limitations and problems, sensitive to the hope and aspirations of those whom they supervise and the capacity to analyse emotional forces that motivate their conduct if this is not done, they will not be successful if the work entrusted on them. The type of leadership in an organization shapes the organizational effectiveness. When an activity is guided by wrong principles, under wrong leadership, chaos, absurdity, decline in productivity and other forms of disorganization set in.
Leadership style is a great feulor in motivating workers. Leadership and motivation are closely related. Motivation techniques are many and could be dependent on the action and in action of the leader. The primary function of a leader is to motivate the followers in order to perform and achieve objectives.
After World War II, behavioral scientists began a rather intense study of the subject of motivation. Psychologists generally agree that all behavior is motivated. That is to say that people have reasons for what they do. Behavior is not random. Motivation is an internal force that make people move towards satisfying a need. Such needs are hunger, thirst, power and achievement can motivate human behavior. Once a motive is active, the individual will act to satisfy that desire or needs associated with the motive.
The Hawthrone studies conducted in Chicago in the 1970s pointed out the importance of understanding the human factor. These studies make a conclusion that the type of leadership has a major impact on the behavior of work group.
People have tried to study the nature and concept of leadership but leadership being one of the functions of administration is very difficult to understand, acquire and evaluate. Despite effort to study the nature of leadership, there is still no appropriate implementation of styles of leadership.
The type of leadership style that motivate the staff in one organization because leadership differs as people also differ. The obvious problem leaders experience is how can effective motivation technique can be ascertioned. There are speculations that performance are photographic industries is below optimum. This is not because the industries they do not have enough and competent staff but because these staff are usually not motivated to really improve on their productive capacity. The type of leadership style exhibited by leaders of this type does not the employees to work hard. The type of non-challant attitude demonstrated by the leaders demoralizes them. Such leader give orders to their staff and ensure their compliance without making room for staff contribution to the decision making even to issues affecting them in some cases the leaders believe that because of the encouragement given to them in the form of good salaries is enough to make them work harder which is not usually  the case.
The question is “is there a particular” leadership style that is most appropriate to motivate workers to put in their best?” what is the relationship between the various leadership styles and motivation. Does it mean that if motivation techniques are applied, do they guarantee optimum performance? In attempt to find solutions to these pertinent questions, the researches interest was kindled to investigate and examine the leadership styles and motivation techniques and its effect on staff in the photographic industry.
Leadership style is said to be very important and useful in motivating workers. For the purpose of this study however the researcher intends to find answers to the following questions
a.    What is the leadership style being applied in
b.   What are the motivation techniques that has been hitherto applied?
c.    To what extent has the techniques motivated the staff?
d.   Is motivation of staff dependent on the type of leadership style of the leader?
e.    Is there one most effective leadership style in relation to motivation.
Hypothesis is a carefully considered theoretical statement which seeks to relate all the known facts to one another. It is a kind of reasonable proposition worthy of scientific testing.
This research work as projected by the research questions presents us with the variables of motivation and style of the leader as well as job efficiency in the face of positive motivational activities. Hence the need to state relationship between these variables for possible test and facts:
i.             There is a direct relationship between motivation and style of the leader.
ii.           There is no one most effective leadership style on relation to motivation
iii.          Leadership styles and motivational techniques are vital in ensuring greater level of efficiency in any given organization.

The foregoing among others form the basic theory that this research work is out to prove.
This research work aims at making things better through increased efficiency, effectiveness and high productivity from both the leader and the staff of the organization.  Therefore, the importance of investigating leadership style cannot be overemphasized. The study hopes to achieve the following objectives:
i.             To highlight on leaders on the existing leadership styles.
ii.           To investigate the relationship between the various leadership styles and motivation.
iii.          To investigate the effect of the various motivation techniques on staff of………studio 24
To manage an organization properly are require efficient management of both materials and human resources available. Therefore this research. This will go along way to prevent failures. Therefore this research work will be of immense benefit to the management and staff of …………………………. And other photographic industries.
The research work will be of benefit to the organization in that it will enable those occupying leadership position to get to know the various leadership styles and various motivational technique(s) that can be adopted to bring about high performance. It will be of benefit to the leaders of organization whether private or public in that it will allow them to know that their leadership have impacted on their staff and organizations either negatively or positively.
It will serve as a means of exposing the researcher to practical aspect of the subject matter. Students in particular and the entire institution as a whole as other researchers will benefit from the research work in that it will provide a nourishing material for subsequent studies with adequate and expected improvement.
Productivity in all organizations will be enhanced or hampered by the styles of leadership and how this is used to motivate the employees. Therefore, the scope of the research work will be limited to three leadership: autocratic, democratic and free rein. On the part of the motivation techniques, the carsol and stick approach, money as a motivation and participation on a motivation approaches will be addressed. In the same vein, this research work will be limited to studio24 Ltd on a good representative of photographic industries.
Discourse is also based on the sources of data collected, sample size from the population, the instrument used to gather information and how they were submitted as well as the manner of the data analysis aimed at ensuring credibility of the work.
This chapter focuses attention on the ways of gathering necessary information that could lead to possible solutions to the research problem. As such investigation was limited to the staff of ______________________________ on a case study to this end questionnaire and interviews as well as the researcher personal observation as a member of staff of the organization was generally in use as instrument of administration and data analysis.
Population of Study
The Study Sample
The following research instruments have been adopted for careful collection and organization of data for this research work.
These are the list of questions prepared to enable the researcher gain responses concerning needed. A total number of highly questionnaire were substantially used for collecting information and are both structured and unstructured.
This is used to complement the questionnaires. It is designed to gather valid and reliable salient information through the responses of the interviewee to a planned sequence of questions.
Please tick as appropriate
1.           (a) What is your age?
i.             15-30 years
ii.           30-45 years
iii.          45-60 years
iv.          60 years & above.
(b)    How long have you been in service?
i.     Less than 15 years
ii.   10-15 years
iii.  15-20 years
iv.  20 years & above
(c) What is your educational qualification?
i.     SSCE, GCE, ‘O’ Level
ii.   Diploma/Nce
iii.  First Degree
iv.  Post Graduate
(d) What is your salary per annum?
i.     N120,000 – 180,000
ii.   N180,000 – 270,000
iii.  N270,000 – 300,000
iv.  N300,000 & above per annum.
2.           How will you describe the style of your leader?
i.     Autocratic
ii.   Democratic
iii.  Free train
3.           Are you involved in any decision making?
Yes (     )
No  (     )
4.           Hove this participation motivated you?
Yes (     )
No  (     )
5.           Do you normally receive bonus if your performance is above minimum requirement?
Yes (     )
No  (     )
6.           In your firm: what do staff consider as the strongest motivation?
i.     Pay
ii.   Participation
iii.  Leadership style
iv.  Promotion
7.            Do the management motivate staff on a group or as individuals based on their performance?
Yes (     )
No  (     )
9.           Do the leaders exhibit the same style in all situation?
Yes (     )
No  (     )
10.        How effective do you think these styles are?
i.     Very effective
ii.   Fairly effective
iii.  Effective
iv.  Not effective
11.        What other things do your leaders do that has motivated you (please state)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
12.        Which of the following do you think if improved upon will lead to improved performance: (rank in order of priority)

13.        In your own opinion, do you think staff of the firm are being motivated enough?
Yes (     )
No  (     )
14.        Would your performance be improved or increased if you are given an incentive you do not need?
Yes (     )
No  (     )
15.        In your own opinion, is there any (4) one most effective style of leadership?
Yes (     )
No  (     )
16.        In your own opinion, is there any one most effective motivation technique?
Yes (     )
No  (     )
17.        Please comment freely on any issue that affects, which you feel may be of interest or assistance to the researcher________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Tick as appropriate
1.           (a) How long have you being in service?
i.     Less than 10 years
ii.   10-20 years
iii.  20-30 years
iv.  30 years and above.
(b) What is your age bracket?
i.     20-30 years
ii.   30-40 years
iii.  40-50 years
iv.  50 years and above.
(c) What level of management do you belong?
                     i.        Lower level
                   ii.        Middle level
                  iii.        Top level
(d) What is your qualification?
i.     SSCE/GCE ‘O’ Level
ii.   First degree
iii.  Postgraduate
iv.  Others, specify
2.           How will you describe your leadership style?
i.     Autocratic
ii.   Democratic
iii.  Face- Rein
3.           Is this style consistent?
Yes (     )
No  (     )
4.           In your opinion, do you think your firm is making optimum use of your staff?
Yes (     )
No  (     )
5.           If not, what do you think is responsible?
                     i.        Inadequate production materials?
                   ii.        No incentives
                  iii.        Leadership
                  iv.        All of the above
6.           What technique of motivation do you adopt with your staff.
i.     Promotion
ii.   Money (Pay)
iii.  Participation in decision-making
iv.  Others; specify
7.           How will you face the effectiveness of these techniques?
i.     Vary effective
ii.   Fairly effective
iii.  Effective
iv.  Not effective
8.           Have you encountered any problem in motivating your staff?
Yes (     )
No  (     )
9.           If yes, what problem?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
10.        Do you think your style of leadership motivates your staff in any way?
Yes (     )
No  (     )
11.        In your own opinion, do you think your staff are being motivated enough to enhance performance?
Yes (     )
No  (     )
12.        In your own opinion, is there anyone most effective style of leadership?
Yes (     )
No  (     )
13.        In your own opinion, is there any one most effective technique of motivation?
Yes (     )
No  (     )
14.        Is there any relationship between the style of leadership you adopted and the way your staff are being motivated?
Yes (     )
No  (     )
15.        Which of the following do you think the leaders need to improve upon in order to motivate the staff?
i.     Salaries
ii.   Involvement in decision-making
iii.  Ways of giving rewards
iv.  Leadership
v.    All of the above
16.        Please comment on my issue you think will be of interest to the researcher and as it affects your organization.
1.           How long have you been working in the firm?
2.           How will you describe the style of your leader?
3.           How consistent is this style?
4.           Do you recognize leadership style as a factor that affects the staff?
5.           In your own opinion, do you think staff of this organization have been motivated?
6.           What are the techniques of motivation adopted in this company?
7.           Have these techniques motivated you?
8.           Among these techniques of motivation, which one do you think still needs to be improved upon?
9.           Do you think the staff performance has anything to do with the style of leadership?
10.        What style of leadership do you consider best in your own opinion?
11.        What motivation techniques do you consider best in your own opinion?              

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