
CISO As A Service

Today, traditional security architecture and network limits can hardly coupe with emerging trends. The ever-growing complexity of operating and managing these trends demand continuous protection of the expanding surface of attack


CISO as a Service would give organizations the leverage of cyber security experts by delegating network security duties to professionals while the enterprise focuses on its main business objectives.

Our top priority is to manage and secure I.T., O.T., and other associated risks to allow the organization to focus on its objectives. 


More vital security leadership is essential in any organization today because the evolution of cyber technologies comes with attendant vulnerabilities to systems. The situation becomes tense due to the shortage of experts with the right cyber security skills. And another factor that contributes is CISO turnover which causes many to go from one organization to another. This is where CISO as a service assists staffing issues by giving access to economic security administration as needed. 

Steps to prepare for SOC 2 Type II

What is SOC 2 Type II?

Soc 2 Type II is a type of internal mechanism audit report which shows how an organization protects its customer's data and the integrity of those mechanisms. Most businesses that use a cloud service provider use SOC 2 audits to analyze and solve any third-party risks associated with their report. Audits are carried out, and independent auditors issue reports. The report borders on privacy, availability, principles of security, and confidentiality


The SOC 2 Type II is voluntary standard compliance for organizations that offer services. It was established by the American Institute of CPAs, which details how businesses should manage their customer's data.

To get the SOC 2 Type II certification, Organizations would have to pass the SOC 2 annual audit and be evaluated on several protocols of the AICPA Trust Service Criteria. Security procedures and controls of the organization are analyzed for several weeks.

Latest Cyberattack reviews

Severe Cyber attacks were carried out upon systems in 2020. As though it was not enough, there was a 17% increase in data breaches in 2021, according to the Identity Theft Research Center (ITRC). The attacks include cryptocurrency theft, supply chain attacks, ransomware, and data loss. But, the most recent cyber attack reviews include:


● CNA financial breach; this was an attack carried out in March 2021 that left employees of the CNA financial block out of their systems and prevented them from gaining any corporate resources. A ransomware attack saw the company's data stolen, gulping 40 million dollars in fees to settle.

● Colonial pipeline cyber attack; this was a ransomware attack upon a pipeline operated by a dark side hacking group that caused gas disruption and brought panic among the US public.

Clausewitz, re-imagining the practice of strategy


Strategy and organization theory enjoy a reawakening interest in historical analysis. In this essay, we suggest that this engagement should include strategy’s linkage to the history of military strategy. We develop our argument through an exegesis of Carl von Clausewitz’ treatise On War. We claim that Clausewitz’ theorization of strategy advances the ongoing scholarly conversation on the practice of strategy in three specific ways. First, he defines a distinctive locus for the notion of strategy as the bridge between policy and tactics; in so doing, he addresses what has been criticized as strategy’s conceptual drift. Second, with Clausewitz, we can pose the question of strategy’s effectiveness in a critical, reflexive way. This opens up a way to answer the “so-what” question that has hampered strategy as practice research. Third, as an educator in military affairs of the Crown Prince, Clausewitz invites reflection on strategy’s pedagogy. Following Clausewitz, strategy may not want to concern itself with distilling the next practice from past history but immerse strategy students in great detail in history in order to develop their critical faculties.

Keywords: Clausewitz, history, policy, strategy as practice, tactics, war

Managing the herdsmen-farmers crisis in Nigeria

Managing the Herdsmen-famers Crisis in Nigeria: The Public Relations Approach 1


The incessant violent clashes between herdsmen and farmers in Nigeria have less positive benefits for both parties and Nigeria as a whole. It is a fact that sustainable development can never occur in a rancorous atmosphere. This, to a large extent, if not nipped in the bud will affect the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goal 2, which is aimed at ending hunger, achieving food security and improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture by 2030. In this view, this paper adopts symmetric model of communication as the basis for understanding how public relations can be applied in solving farmers/herders crisis. The paper finds out that clashes between herders and farmers is an evidence of negligence by the government to sensitize the citizenry towards achieving a common goal of tolerating each other. It also identifies reduction in output and income of crops as a result of the destruction of crops by cattle. This situation has translated into low income on the part of the farmers who take farming as a major occupation. As such, the paper recommends that public relations approaches such as press releases, conferences, publicity, etc., should be utilized appropriately in making farmers and herders accept modern methods of cattle rearing and farming so that one’s business cannot interfere with another thereby managing both the current and future crises. It also recommends that messages from public relations events, with full participation of both parties, can change the atmosphere of suspicion that currently characterizes the relationship between herdsmen and farmers thereby creating room for peaceful coexistence.

Keywords: Public Relations, Crisis, Herders/Farmers, Conflict, National Dailies, Coverage