

        The title of this research work is ways of solving the problem of Teenagers in our educational system. The purpose of the study is to appraise the problem of Teenagers in our Educational system regarding with a view to determining the success of the objectives and to know the way to solve the Tanagers problems.
The instrument used in this research work was questionnaire and oral interview). The analysis, and findings of the research work revealed that lack of government funding to Teenagers. Lack of good teachings method, lack of interest by the Teenagers. However the recommendation given to both the private body and the government on ways and means of checking the ugly incidence include, employing welfare Guidance and compelling to Teenagers, in our Educational system.
Title page                                                                 i
Certification                                                             iii
Dedication                                                               iv
Acknowledgement                                                    v
Abstract                                                                   vii
Table of content                                                       vii
1.1      Background to the study                                 1
1.2      Statement of the problems                               8
1.3      Purpose Of The Study                                      11
1.4      Research Question                                           12
1.5      Significance Of The Study                                12
1.6      Scope and Delimitation of Study                     13
1.7      Definition of Term                                            13

2.1      Review of Related Literatures                           15
2.2      Summary of Literature Review                         32
3.1   Design of the Study                                         34
3.2      Population                                                       34
3.3   Sample Technique and Sampling                    34
3.4   Research Instruments                                      35
3.5   Validity and Reliability of Instrument              36
3.6   Administration of the Instrument                    37
 3.7  Method of Data Analysis                                  37
4.1   Presentation of Data, Analyzed Discussion
of Result                                                          39
4.2   Research Question                                           39

5.1 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation   43
5.2 Conclusion                                                        43
5.3   Recommendation                                             44
5.4   Suggestion for Further Research                      46
Reference                                                                 47
Appendix                                                                 51
1.1   Background of the Study
        The problems of teenagers are common in primary and secondary school levels of education within the age of 13 to 19 years. These problems are not so popular in the tertiary institutions of learning unlike the primary and secondary school level. Although to some extent undergraduates need guidance and counselling services the reasons for this are:
The teenagers, even though a good number of them are adults there is need to guide them if the purpose which they are in the primary and secondary is to be achieved.
The primary school is different from the secondary school as such, the students need to prepare themselves not only academically but also socially in order for them to gain acceptance into the community.
This means redefinition which can be effectively achieved through effective guidance and counselling programme.
This is to bring about well guided and proper counselling to primary and secondary schools student who will be leaders of tomorrow, because the role of teenagers cannot be over emphasized, most primary and secondary schools administration in Nigeria are also where today searching for stability as a way out of crisis and a means to restore some lasting tranquillity on secondary school student. Guidance and counselling service are needed in order to find solutions to some problems that have plagued teenagers of learning for so long time. Recently, dramatic increases in violence and revolutionary behaviour among students have almost attained.
Ministry of post primary and secondary education board have increasingly become plagued with revolving problems which had led to violent assault on the teachers fellows went on destruction of school and public properties. To a great extent these unruly behaviours need counselling programme. Secondary school student need help to resolve their social, health, home, peer group, the society, emotional, financial, vocational and religious problems. At the secondary school level guidance and counselling service are needed because they enable student understand and knows who they are, the nature and complexity of their problems and better means of solving problems. It is a bold step because it minimized the inherent of secondary unrest?
Secondary school student appear to plagued by the question of self identify prior to their admission into the secondary school, they where defined their present status within the community, the academic performance in primary school and by their position within their peer group many students, without this support will feel stripped of their social identities. Difficulties in trying to adjust to the new environment and they will find it hectic and painful.
This is due to the differences they encounter in life when primary schools or places of work and life in the secondary.
These differences show in many areas, such as the size of the new institution, community traditions. Values by other students, course of study, social climate, study conditions and degree of freedom and adjustment to these differences of ten results in crisis of some sort. This crisis can be averted if problems of teenagers are made available to this category of students at the point of entry into the secondary school. Since counselling aims at total development of individual person, it also helps students to find ethical and spiritual meaning in life and help them learn to live in harmony with the other members of the secondary school community. The inculcation of ethical values through finding solution to teenagers by guidance and counselling service will go a long way in curbing irrational activities among secondary school students. Effective counselling services in the secondary school will constrain students from rebellion against the established rules of their school organized and from want on destruction of school properties. The students needs and aspiration should be brought into balance with the goals of their educational system and these of the surrounding community will the goals of their educational system and these of the surrounding community will be maintained both during and after school life.
Oladele (1987) is of the opinion that no matter how good and well constructed an educational policy may be, if solving the problems by a way of guidance and counselling services are not given priority and made an integral part of the system, it cannot succeed. Guidance and counselling services within the framework of education has the potential to help and individual to realistically and practically examine his or her belief and values with the comprehensive nature of the secondary school student set up, only good guidance and counselling service can help the student through social adjustment to take the right decision and understand himself and his world.
The ways and importance of guidance and counselling services among the secondary student are glairing and inevitable.
The services are veritable instruments for achieving success in and out of school. As revealed instruments for achieving success in and out of school. as revealed by findings and conducted by number of Nigerian scholars among whom are Adebowale (2007), Adegoke A.A. (2004), Adekola T. (2008), Bakare G.M. (1996), An introduction Guidance and counselling service are yet to take of effectively in Nigerian schools generally due to some problems that are yet to be addressed properly.
Unhealthy perception of the school head, counsellor, students and parents in conclusion the ways of solving the problems of teenagers in our Educational System. Cannot be compromised if the secondary school level must actualized the goals for which they were established. So it is time for the secondary school to design counselling services to interpret the goals of the institution. The student and his family in term of its ability to satisfy students educational, vocational and personal social needs. Also, it is important for the achievement of academic goals and aspiration in the secondary school.
1.2   Statement of the Problems
        The following titled “ways of solving the problems of Teenagers in our Educational System will make them need services of a counsellor.
Guidance and counselling services could be designed to meet the needs of the Nigerian Teenagers that would help in answering the following questions.
i.      Sexual abuse/harassments
ii.     Peer group influence e.g. drinking, smoking
iii.    Financial insecurity (Lack of finance)
iv.    Emotional stress
v.     Victimization from teachers
vi.    Examination malpractice
vii.   Indecent way of dressing
viii.  Personal and social needs.
Sexual abuse/Harassments: In education will constitute a problem? Such a state arises when things are not what they are supposed to be.
Finance Insecurity: If there is need which is yet to be satisfied, such a need becomes a problem demanding a solution.
Emotional Stress: A problem may also take the form of Emotional stress either in educational thought, process or practice.
Victimization from Teachers: Another form which a problem could take is that of victimization from teachers of an unanswered question.
Examination Malpractice: A problem may also take the form of Examination malpractice if the student fined it difficult to pay attention in class and develop the habit of reading and implementing practice.
Indecent way of Dressing: In the education system creates a sexual problem. If there is an imbalance, then the teaching will not function effectively unless such an imbalance is corrected.
1.3   Purpose of the Study
        The purpose of the study is to trial out the ways of solving the problems of Teenagers in our Educational system: This is with a view to finding solution to the problem.
The research focuses on the following objectives.
1.     To find out strategies for providing effective guidance services for the secondary school students.
2.     To ascertain the need for guidance and counselling services in Nigerian secondary school.
3.     To identify the need for secondary students that form of guidance services.
1.4      Research Question
i.      What are the ways of solving the problem of Teenagers in our Educational System?
ii.     What are the unique problem of female student in our Educational System.
iii.    Do student in our Educational System need the service of guidance and counselling.
1.5      Significance of the Study
The significance of the study cannot be overemphasized. This is so in this era of problems of teenagers in our educational system with the view of determining their place. In the secondary administration and administrators to identify areas of solving the problem of teenagers that need guidance. The study will also help in aiding the curriculum planners to decide on the essential services to be entrenched in guidance and counselling problem of the teenagers.
1.6      Scope and Delimitation of Study
For the purpose of proper handling of variable involved of proper handling of variable in this study, the researcher has limited the scope to teenagers in our educational system.
1.7      Definition of Term
Guidance: This is the process of helping individuals to understand themselves and their world.
Counselling: A learning process in which individuals learn about themselves, their interpersonal relationship and behaviour that advances their personal development.
Counsellor: A qualified trained person in guidance and counselling employed in a school to provide assistance to student in their academic, social and personal problems.
Teenagers: A student within the age of 13-18 under Senior school certificate programme.
2.1   Review of Related Literatures
        The literature on the problem of Teenagers in schools both in Nigerian and also in the different parts of the world shall be reviewed in this chapter.
        The review is as follows:
1.     The problem of Sexual Abuse/Harassments among Teenagers.
2.     Peer Group/Influence Among Teenagers
3.     Financial Insecurity Among Teenagers
4.     Emotional Stress Among Teenagers in schools.
5.     Victimization from Teacher among Teenagers.
6.     Social Problems among Teenagers in school.
The Problem of Sexual Abuse among Teenagers: As awareness of the prevalence and devastation of child sexual abuse grows, our society has made an uncomfortable realization abuse happens in public schools, too. Unfortunately, just as pastors, priests, and ministers of religious institutions, as well a boy scout leaders and other trusted adults, have grabbed the news headlines for the sexual abuse of teenagers, many school teachers have been arrested and convicted as well understandably, parents, public school administrators and policymakers have not wanted to face the fact that this reality that this reality is an ongoing and chronic problem. But its. Over recent years, newspapers have published major investigative studies of the problems of abuse in schools, and the tax or corrupt response of administrators and teachers unions. For one such series by the organism in my home state. As trusted authority figures, school teachers school counsellors and coaches hold privileged position of immense trust and power. Their influence over teenagers is enormous. Too frequently these trusted adults manipulate this trust and power for their own sick purposes.  Sexual abuse cases is very similar to the process employed by boyscout abusers and catholic priest abusers. Influence to sexually manipulate and abuse the child. As in all sex abuse cases, public school abuse cases are complex and difficult. There are rarely witnesses to the criminal behaviour and it’s often the child’s word against the word of a respected teacher or coach.
The Problem of Peer/Influence among Teenagers: The impact of peer influence on teenagers development is generally associated with negative connotations. I believe that the use of the peer group as a vehicle for problem development has not been fully utilized, even though it presents significant opportunities for teenager practitioners and educators. It is widely accepted that membership in peer groups in school is a powerful force during adolescence. These groups provide an important developmental point of reference through which adolescents gain an understanding of the world outside of their families. Failure to develop close relationships with age mates, however, often results in a variety of problems for Teenagers from delinquency and substance abuse to psychological disorders (Hops, Davis, Alpert & Longoria, 1997). Furthermore, higher peer stress and less companionship support from peers have been associated with a lower social self-concept in teenagers (Wenz-Gross, SIperstein, Lintoh, & Widaman, 1997).
As children progress through adolescence, they build knowledge bases that help them navigate social situations. An abundance of literature has suggested that there is considerable individual variation regarding cognitive skill development during adolescence as it relates to Peer influence. Dodge’s (1993) research indicated that poor peer relationships were closely associated with social cognitive skill deficits. He found that teenagers who developed positive peer group relationships generate more alternative solutions to problems, proposed more mature solutions and were less aggressive than youth who had developed negative peer relationships. A long those same lines, Bansal (1996) found that teenagers who compared themselves negatively in reference to their peers experienced a reduction in attention to problem solving tasks.
Financial Insecurity in School
It was taught to me that financial insecurity is part of the human conditions. All people experience some kind of insecurity about their finances, in school whether one is blessed with enormous riches or living paycheck to paycheck, there is a tendency to experience worry about our finances. The very rich are continually concerned that their investments may rather or that one bad decision may take away everything they have worked so hard for. Most of us who struggle weekly to make ends meet have the other concern: like an unexpected situation intruding into our lives and not having the financial where with all to deal with it. The issue isn’t finances but it is fear, my life was fear based and I have to learn to face my fears. The fears surrounding finances were that you would find out that I wasn’t as successful as I tried to appear to be or that you wouldn’t approve of the way I handled my finances. These fears may lead me to take substances to mask the inferiority I feel, or cause me to act out in such a way to hide from everyone the desperation of my life. Either way my fear of financial insecurity in school was the issue, not the status of my finances or what you knew of them. Like all of the work involved in this way of life: I had to learn to confront my fears. Talk about them and believe that it is part of the human condition. It is also important for me not let my desires for success rule my life. If I am painstaking about this part of my recovery I will know freedom. God doesn’t care about my finances, he cares about my devotion to his will.
The Problem of Emotional Stress in School: According to the definition of stress, it is the actions your body goes through as it tries to adjust to your changing environment, causes of depression. It can cause physical and emotional effect on you which can be positive or negative.
NEW YORK- stressed out by your high-pressured job? Don’t assume your kid is any less stressed out by school. Especially if she’s a she young people experience stress in school at a high rate, and females more than males, an extensive Associated press/MTV survey shows. A similar divide exists in terms of fears and safety: Girls and young women are less likely to feel safe in their neighbourhoods, in schools or from terror attacks.
        The source of stress changes as we get older, the survey shows. Among 13-17 year olds, school is by far the most commonly mentioned source.
The Problem of Victimization from Teacher in School:
For students ages 13 to 18, the rates for serious violent crimes in 2008 were lower at school than away from school. The 2008 victimization rates for serious violent crimes were from (4) per 1,000 students at school, and 8 per 1,000 students away from school.
Theft and violence by student in school can affect the overall health and wellbeing of the teenagers. Interfere with educational goals, and shall normal healthy development (Fredland 2008). This type of victimization from teachers in school can also lead to higher than average rates of teacher turnover and increases in student dropout rates, teenagers changing schools, and principals and teachers retiring early (Crews, Crews, and Turner 2008). Data from the victimization survey showed that more crimes were committed against students ages 13 to 19 at school than away from school students ages 13 to 19 experienced about 1.2 million nonfatal crimes (theft plus violent crime) at school, compared to about 1 million nonfatal crimes away from school (table 2.1). These figures represent total crime of victimization rates of 47 crimes per 1,000 students away from school. Ages 13 to 19 generally declined between 1992 and 2008. This pattern held for the total crime rate both at school and away from school as well as for the rates of the three components making up crimes, and serious violent crimes. Between 2007 and 2008, the total crime rates against students ages 13 to 19 at school declined from 57 victimization of stress in school per 1,000 student 47 per 1,000 students. The rate of victimization by theft at school declined from 31 per 1,000 students ages 13 to 19 in 2007 to 24 per 1,000 in 2008. There was no measurable different in the rate of victimization from teachers in school by violent crime against students ages 13 to 19 at school between 2007 and 2008.
Social Problems among Teenagers in School
1.     (Examination Malpractice in School)
        There are different opinions in the definition of Examination malpractice. It has been defined as a deliberate wrong doing contrary to official examination rules designed to place a candidate at an unfair advantage or disadvantage. It comes in different forms like the leakage of examination papers prior to examinations, impersonation, external assistance, writing the answers on the blackboard dictation during examinations, illegal candidates, electronic assistance using phones, pagers etc, smuggling whitepaper into the hall, reproduction of another candidate’s work with or without permission, inadequate spacing, lax supervision and inflation or reduction of a candidates original mark by those who grade the scripts. Laziness, inadequate preparation for examinations, pupil not taking their studies seriously indolence, depending on fraudulent men’s to make it without any hardwork, and all of this is done with the support of unscrupulous parents and a corrupt system of national life. These are the root causes of this tragedy.
        The malefactors involved in this social evil include corrupt government officials, indulgent parents, guardians, teachers, lecturers, host communities of exam centers, traditional institutions, peer groups security agents, school administrators and the mass media. Examination malpractice in school has become a prolific business enterprise branded with the name of private examination centres aided and abetted by corrupt examination officials supported by parents who will not allow their children to be left out from the Trojan gift of malpractice. The business is such that some individuals open up offices with the emblematic names of “Brain Trust, one sitting, A-one at a glance, Good success, Brightest future etc” they collect from the student in schools exorbitant fees which are more than a 100% increase of the normal registration fee. They connive with unscrupulous proprietors of some private schools who register these candidates. Also these private schools consisting of two halls and two sets of pupils (JSS 3 and SS3) receive accreditation from the examination bodies, WAEC, NECO etc the same year in which they are opened with or without inspection, the exam officials of these bodies lobby to be sent to such private schools because they know that there they will receive a share of the national cake. The police who are meant to be the watchdogs of justice, after receiving their own settlement (bribe) turn out to be the abettors of this crime. Before the commencement of the exams, pastors and humans are called upon to invoke their gods which is either the supernatural or the examination messiah (malpractice) to guard the students in their exams so that they can come out in flying colours by hook or crook. Thus, it is obvious that all leads are involved in the circle of evil called malpractice in schools. Furthermore, it happens that even the angels eat beans. The latest statistics released by JAMB for 2007 UME shows that Ibadan was rated number one in malpractice. This is a city-Ibadan-which hosts the Premier University, and is flooded with a high number of elites, academicians. Thus, when the so called elites could give our money for their children to be enrolled in such private centres then what do you expect from the illiterate business men in Onitsha, main market who are easily swerved by their indolent children.
2.     (Indecent Way of Dressing in School)
        The question that comes to mind is, what constitute indecent dressing or how can one define indecent dressing, Bolade Okuwa every country formulates laws that guide the smooth and orderly functioning of their society. In formulating or legislating laws in any society the difficulty has always arisen as to whether the government or legislating authority has the power to legislate on issues that should be considered within the personal or private realm of the individual. The general question here is that, can the government or legislating authority legislate on issues individuals consider as private or personal. One of such issues is the issue of dressing. There has been a major controversy over the issue of indecent dressing across the globe. Some see the laws against indecent dressing as the violation of human rights especially the rights of women because the issue of indecent dressing centres mostly on the female gender.
The law against indecent dressing in school has been welcomed by some and kicked against by others, which has been a major source of controversy around the world. Countries and institutions have taken measures to curb indecent dressing in school many countries in south East Asia and the middle East like Singapore, Malaysia United Arab Emirates, Syria and many more have laws against indecent dressing, institutions like schools places of worship, have regulation guarding against indecent dressing. This depends largely on ones orientation and religion. For example in Malaysia, Muslim women are to cover up to their ankle and non Muslims should dress decently. The law in Malaysia is very intolerant of women dressed indecently and such women will be fined when caught.
In Nigeria, the Lagos State House of Assembly in 2007 passed a law against indecent dressing in school. The law press and the public condemned the massive arrest of girls and women by the police on the streets of Lagos over what was termed as indecent dressing in school which resulted in victims illegally detained.
3.     (The Problem of Personal and Social Need in School)
        Results of a survey of teenager in schools personal and interpersonal problems are presented which give accounts of the range of difficulties 234 fourth year and fifth year boys and girls in secondary education and 36 young people in employment had in their interpersonal relationships with parents teachers, employers, community authority figures, same-and opposite-sex friends, e.t.c. information was also obtained on what actually occupied young people’s thoughts; the things they found it difficult to cope with and talk about, the things that they felt parents should tell their children; what they would like to talk to their teachers and parents about, and the attributes which they felt they could or could not change for themselves. This will in turn reduce problems of personal and social need in school.
2.2   Summary of Literature Review
One can summarize the ongoing discussion on the literature of the ways of solving the problems of teenagers in our Educational system as follows.
        The main authorities in school in their different literature has emphatically accepted the problem of teenagers in our Educational system during the examination of teachers contribution’s the teachers problem of Examination malpractice, awareness of the prevalence and devastation of child sexual abuse associated within negative connotations, living pay check to pay check. There is a tendency to experience, causes of depression, and guidance and counselling.

3.1   Design of the Study
The type of research design in this work was survey research design. It was aimed at collating relevant data on the need of solving the problems of Teenagers in our Educational system as a case study.
3.2      Population
The population is made up of number of S.S.S. student in Our Education with a total population of about 500 students is 5 public schools.
3.3   Sample Technique and Sampling  
The stratified random technique eighty students were randomly sampled from the total population of  hundred students. (100) 20% population.
        Questionnaires were distributed to the students and teachers in five selected, eight students were selected in all. This eight subjects were the samples for the study. The school were limited to a population of forty each which :
1.                  Annunciation catholic college Irrua
2.                  Esan Grammar School Uronmi
3.                  St. John Bosco College Ubiaja
4.                  Ugboha Secdondary School
5.                  Igueben Grammar School
3.4   Research Instruments
The questionnaire was the instrument used. It was designed to collect data relevant to the research question used in the study, it was divided into four section (A, B, C, and D). section A, contain five questions aimed at collecting demographic  data while section B,C and D contain twenty two questions aimed at testing in the three research question at the student.
        It elicited information on such areas as the academic problems and vocational /career choice problems with a view to knowing in details their guidance needs. Also questions regarding parent’s with job choice were raised.
3.5   Validity and Reliability of Instrument
Validity of instrument, the research instrument was validated by research. To ensure validity, the researcher showed it to colleagues who made constructive criticism of the draft. The judgments were sought to guarantee that each of the terms in the instrument measured what it was supposed to measure. Reliability of the instrument. This wads determined using the split – lay method on paradonly selected. (5)  selected schools
        The split – lay method was preferred because it helps to eliminate errors of measurement in testing conditions that may occur in tester*test method ( Nworgu 1991)
        The data collected were divided into two halves. The odd numbered items on one hand and the even numbered on the other.
3.6   Administration of the Instrument
        The researcher visited questionnaire was distributed to the student and teachers of the selected school under my supervision cooperative, friendly and understanding. The administration of the questionnaire was done in the month of July and last for analysis.
 3.7  Method of Data Analysis
        The statistical method used in the interpretation of the responses from the students were percentages frequency information gathered with the help of the questionnaire was carefully analyzes according to the basic objective of the analyze data/study.

4.1   Presentation of Data, Analyzed Discussion of Result.
This chapter embodies the results or findings of the study. The results were arrived at through analysis of data collected. The respondent answering agreed or disagreed to the question. These questions are extracted from ways of showing the problem of teenager. In our Educational system, the analysis for the data collected was done according to the research hypothesis.

4.2   Research Question

What are the main problems of Teenagers in our Educational system?
        In order to answer this research h question, the responses of the subject to item numbers 6,7,8,9 and 10 were 1. Teenagers in our Educational system face numerous problem e.g 60% of Teenager agreed that they experience difficulties in school and 40% did not experience difficulties. While 80% agreed that they experience social problems and 20% did not.
 Research Question 1
Do you experience difficulties from school teachers

Do Teenager experience Problem with class assignment





This is a significant difference between the member of agreed response and disagreed response. The above table showed that out of 80 Teenagers. 27 (72 %)
Respondent said while 31 (68%)

Research Question 11
What are the specific problems of Teenagers in our Educational system?
Do you have problems relating with your mates

Do you excepted by member of your class






From the above respondent it show that the teenagers have problems of meting up with their mats for instance 75 respondent about (68%) replied agreed while 35 (31%) disagreed.

Would you like to have the services of a guidance and counsellor who would information you with information?



Do student in our educational system deed need the services of guidance and counselling.
Do student in our educational system need the services of  guidance and counsellor





5.1 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
        The research was carried out to find out the ways of solving the problems of teenagers in our Educational system. It was found that teenagers manifest a lot of academic problems. They also have numerous social problems and finally the schools does not provide guidance and counselling services for this teenagers.
5.2 Conclusion
        The following conclusion was drawn based on the above findings
1.     That the school should be given educational services to the teenager in school to enhance their academic achievement.
2.     That the schools have problems that require the professionals services of guidance counsellors to teenager in our school.
3.     That the school lack vocational guidance and as such be properly counselled in this direction in order to enhance the teenagers in educational system.
5.3   Recommendation
The result of the research conducted by the writer revealed a lot of issues which might the government schools administrators which has acted as hindrance to the provision of guidance and counselling services on teenagers in our schools.
i.      Guidance counsellor should be trained and sent to various schools
ii.     Guidance and counselling facilities should be provided in school by school authorities.
iii.    The school administrators should see guidance and counselling services on Teenagers among school as part of the essential series need for students.
iv.    Specifically, occupational information should be regularly provided by the school through the counsellors to enhance student (teenagers) career development and choices.
v.     Parents should be educated properly and not to insight on choosing course for their children.
vi.    Student should be enlightened on the need to consult the school counsellors whenever they have problems.
5.4   Suggestion for Further Research
Researchers on this topic should investigate the possibility of having in completed the study some other problems have become evident which will be appropriate. And other intending researchers should look into the possibility of entrenching functional guidance programme into the teenagers affairs.
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Bansal (1996) found that teenagers who compared themselves negatively in reference, to their peers experienced a reduction in attention to problem solving tasks.
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Dodge’s (1993 research indicated that poor peer relationships were closely associated with social cognitive skill deficits.
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Department of Accounting
Faculty of Education
Ambrose Alli University
Ekpoma, Edo State.

Dear Respondent,
        A Questionnaire on ways of solving the problems of Teenagers in our Educational System.
This questionnaire is designed to appraise the ways of solving the problems of teenagers among Nigeria student.
        You are requested to give your honest opinion by filling in the gap.
        The response you will five is purely for research
        Thanks for your co-operation.

Section “A”
Name (optional) _______________________________________
Sex male (  ) Female (   )
Age 13 – 15  (   )      16-18 (   )

Section “B”
Please read through the statements below and respond either agree or disagree for each statement.
Statements             Agree               Disagreed
1.          Do you experience difficulties from school  teachers
                           Agree (   )      Disagreed (  )
2.          Do Teenagers experience problem with class assignment   
                            Agree (   )      Disagreed (  )
3.    Do you have problems relating with your mates                      Agree (   )      Disagreed (  )
4.     Do you accepted by members of your class
                                Agree (   )      Disagreed (  )
5.     Would you like to have the services of a guidance and    counsellor who would furnish you with information?
                                Agree (   )      Disagreed (  )
6.     Do student in our Educational system need the services of guidance and counselling     
Agree (   )      Disagreed (  )   

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